Ergowork provided the ergonomics and human factors input to the control room which houses some 50 consoles and workstations. The bespoke console design prepared by Ergowork was formalised by Lightbox Architects.
Peter Hunt Architects performed the building design work and consoles were constructed to our design by Schiavello. This control room presented particular challenges in requiring bespoke consoles, multiple monitors on the controller consoles and visibility of the large overview display. Visibility of the wall display from an upstairs emergency management room also affected lighting design for the main room.
We prepared designs for a double operator controller console with handover workstation included as well as standing height rest station incorporating storage. Allowance had to be made for zonal lighting and visibility of overview displays from workstations further back from the front. Special attention was given to the layout to facilitate non-distracting movement of personnel within the room.