As part of the Pluto gas project Woodside Petroleum commissioned Peter Hunt Architects to design a state of the art remote connect and control centre to allow technical staff, based in Perth, to liaise and meet via videlinks with staff at the Karratha site.
Ergowork provided the state of the art ergonomics advice for the design which included large and smaller video interface rooms with full size screens, office spaces, desk design and seat selection as well as room layouts.
BHP Northparkes Mine Automation Project
Ergowork was called upon to assist Northparkes Mine in NSW in upgrading the ergonomics of the control room and providing key specifications for remote control operators pods in the surface control room.
QAS Retrofit Console Sit-stand Top
Queensland Ambulance has call centres in all provincial cities as well as two in Brisbane. Apart from the Kedron Emergency Operations Centre, these centres needed an upgrade from older sitting height consoles to a sit-stand version.
Rio Tinto Operations Centre Perth
A now well recognised example of modern control room design and operations this control room allows remote operation of the company’s Pilbara mine, rail and port facilities and plant. From here, some 15 iron ore mines, four…